Aprender ruso rápido
Cómo empezar a aprender ruso
Como puedes imaginar, el primer paso para aprender un idioma es conocer su alfabeto. Repasemos el alfabeto ruso, letra por letra.
Por cierto, esta es la guía que más me ha ayudado a la hora de empezar a aprender ruso por mi cuenta 😉
Los símbolos de pronunciación son lo más precisos posible, pero recomiendo que escuches los audios para familiarizarte con los diferentes sonidos. Lo he grabado yo mismo en una pronunciación rusa (de Rusia) lo más estándar posible.
Espero que te sea útil 😊
Letter | Name | Pronunciation | Examples | Phonetics | Traduction |
а / А | a | [a] as in rather (but shorter). | автобус | [af’toboos] | bus |
б / Б | be | [b] as in bed. [p] at the end of a word or syllable. | бизнес зуб | [‘beeznes] [zoop] | business tooth |
в / В | ve | [v] as in void. [f] at the end of a word or syllable. | привет автобус | [‘privjet] [af’toboos] | hello bus |
г / Г | ge | [g] as in goal. [k] at the end of a word or syllable. | где год | [gdje] [got] | where year |
д / Д | de | [d] as in door. [t] at the end of a word or syllable. | Дом год | [dom] [got] | house year |
е / Е | yje | [yje] as in yellow when syllable stressed. [e] otherwise. | есть бизнес | [jest] [‘beeznes] | there is / are business |
ё / Ё | yjo | [yjo] as in yogurt. | ребёнок | [ri’bjonɔk] | child |
ж / Ж | zhe | [ʒ] (as ‘s’ in pleasure). | жить | [ʒit] | to live |
з / З | ze | [z] as in zone. | зуб | [zoop] | tooth |
и / И | ee | [ee] as in east (but shorter). | идти | [id’ti] | to go (walk) |
й / Й | e | [y] as in yes. | быстрый | [‘bjistrji] | fast |
к / К | ka | [k] as in cup. | конечно | [kɔ’njeʒnɔ] | of course |
л / Л | el | [l] as in luck. | лето | [‘ljetɔ] | summer |
м / М | em | [m] as in mother. | мама | [‘mama] | mum |
н / Н | en | [n] as in nice. [ɲ] as in cognac. | небо нет | [‘njebɔ] [ɲjet] | sky no |
о / О | o | [ɔ] as ‘au’ in taught (but shorter). [o] when stressed. | объяснять | [ɔb,jes’njɔt] | to explain |
п / П | pe | [p] as in park. | папа | [‘papa] | dad |
р / Р | er | [r] as the Scottish rolled r in rock. | решить | [ri’ʃit] | to decide |
с / С | es | [s] as in sun. | собака | [sa’baka] | dog |
т / Т | te | [t] as in tall. | тарелка | [ta’rjelkɔ] | plate |
у / У | oo | [oo] as in moon (but shorter). | обувь | [‘oboof] | shoes |
ф / Ф | ef | [f] as in face. | фильм | [film] | film |
х / Х | kha | [x] (‘ch’ as in German Loch). | хорошо | [xɔrɔ’ʃo] | good |
ц / Ц | tse | [ts] as in peanuts. | отец | [ɔ’tjets] | father |
ч / Ч | che | [ʃ] before a consonant. [ʧ] (‘ch’ as in cheap). Followed by ‘a’ in words with more than one syllable is pronounced ‘chi’. | что час | [ʃto] [ʧas] | what hour |
ш / Ш | sha | [ʃ] (‘sh’ as in shark). | лучше | [‘looʧe] | better / rather |
щ / Щ | scha | Double [sh] as in fresh sheets. | незащищённость | [ɲizashshi’shshjonnɔst] | insecurity |
ъ / Ъ | hard sign | No sound value. Silent letter. Only seen in front of the letters “я”, “е”, “ё”, and “ю” (ja, je, jo, and ju in English). The hard sign marks the fact that the sound [j] continues to be heard separately in the composition. | съесть | [sjest] | to devour |
ы / Ы | ji | No exact English equivalent; [ji] approximately as ‘i’ in thin. | быть | [bjit] | to be |
ь / Ь | soft sign | No sound value. Silent letter. It represents a short (or “reduced”) front vowel. | семья | [si’mja] | family |
э / Э | ea | [ea] as in egg. | это | [‘etɔ] | this |
ю / Ю | yju | [jyu] as you. | люди | [‘ljudi] | people |
я / Я | yja | [yja] as in yatch. | я | [ja] | I (me) |
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